Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Looking for Senior Reps!

Samantha Ellenburg Photography is gearing up for the 2012 Senior Portrait Season. What I'm looking for are reps from all of our local high schools (this includes Dothan area/Troy/Brantley and surrounding areas) to represent SEP to their classmates and friends.  

What exactly are "Senior Reps"??
Reps must be Class of 2012, be active in school, outgoing with lots of personal style and a flare for being in front of the camera, and must agree to represent SEP all year. Must have signed model release from senior, and or parent if you are 17.

Is there any cost to me? 
Nope. The session is free. You will get 50 free rep cards featuring your pictures and SEP business info.
You will also get a disc with 10 watermarked images for you to use of facebook/share with friends.
All of your photos will be put on an online gallery for your viewing.

How does it work?
You will be given 50 rep cards with photos from your session. You hand these out to all your friends, and for every session booked, you will earn $20 towards getting your senior portraits printed. When someone books a session, they must present your rep card for it to count. And credits will be added to you as soon as their session in paid in full. So with enough referrals you could get everything you want for free!

What will my session be like?
A lot of FUN! Your session will include unlimited clothing changes and will take place in a variety of locations. They are meant to be ALL about you, you can bring props, pets, or whatever reflects your personality.

The deadline to apply will be July 1, 2011.  I will accept 1 senior from each high school and choices will be made on a first come first serve basis.  If you or someone you know is perfect for this program, please email us at , and I will send over the model release form.